Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks on #tweetsgiving and the Turkey Song

Thanksgiving 2009 happens to also be the second annual TweetsGiving, where people are encouraged to express their thanks through a variety of online communities and tools. The site hopes to create "a global celebration that seeks to change the world through the power of gratitude."

While this may seem a lofty, it does strike me as a simple, yet remarkable opportunity to offer thanks framed around a great cause.

So with that in mind, I offer my gratitude for:
  • the unconditional love freely given from my God;
  • my loving wife, who encourages and keeps me motivated;
  • our two amazing kids, who help me to view the world through optimistic and curious eyes;
  • the blessings from the work that I get to do;
  • all of the support and love from my family and friends through life's challenges; and
  • those of you that stop by my little corner of the blogosphere to read and discuss the often strange ruminations I leave here.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.

Of course, I can't leave you with sappy. No, I want to share a quick video that offers a bit of the holiday, humor, and harmony of Thanksgiving that could only come from The Addams Family...

What are you thankful for? As always, the comments are yours.

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