The speaker was Brian Pierce, a copywriter, broadcast producer and creative consultant based in Dallas-Fort Worth. Pierce set the stage by comparing the relationship between Ad people and PR people to that of Itchy & Scratchy which is pretty funny if you think about it. But mainly comes down to not really understanding what the other does. He went on to point out some examples of the blurred lines between the Advertising and PR disciplines:
- Ad campaigns created for publicity
- PR messages in ad form
- Viral video
- Social media
- Corporate blogs
10 Tips for Super-swell Creative Ideas
- Be a chameleon.
- Write a strategy.
- Laugh at your awful ideas.
- Be a sponge.
- Put your subconscious to work.
- When you are in the flow, don't turn off the tap.
- Step away from the keyboard
- Keep it simple - simple is good.
- Communicate with few words.
- Top your best idea.